Anal gland support for cats

Naturally supports your cat's anal gland health

Anal gland problems are unfortunately quite common in cats. Sometimes it is an isolated incident that can be addressed by manually expressing the anal glands but in other cases this is a recurrent problem.

maxxiscoot is a high-quality anal gland supplement for cats that supports your cat’s anal gland health and helps to reduce the risk of recurrent anal gland problems. It contains high amount of good quality fibre, as well as other natural ingredients that help to bulk and firm the stools, promote natural emptying of the anal glands, ease defecation, promote digestion

Why good anal gland health matters so much

Any problem with the anal glands is uncomfortable for your cat. Which is why you will notice frantic behaviour, like excessive licking and biting beneath the tail and frequent scooting along the surface. These are all signs of your cat trying to ease his discomfort.

As any good cat owner, you don’t want your cat to be in discomfort and that is why taking good care of your cat’s anal gland health is a priority.

The importance of fibre for your cat’s anal gland health

The anal glands normally empty themselves when the cat defecates. The pressure of firm healthy stools puts enough pressure on the anal glands for them to empty naturally. Chronic soft stools however will make it difficult for the anal glands to empty properly.

There can be various reason for chronic soft stools, but one reason is lack of fibre in the diet. Fibre is the key ingredient that bulks up and firms your cats’ stools. Which is why fibre is so important for your cat’s anal glands health.

Fibre passes through your cat’s digestive system without breaking down or being digested. It absorbs water and adds bulk to the stool and softens it. Bulky stool is easier to pass which reduces the risk of constipation and the pressure helps to empty the anal glands naturally.

By absorbing water, fibre helps to solidify the stool and added bulk (firmer stool) can also help to relieve diarrhoea.

But it is not just about adding fibre

However, it is not only about fibre. Cats’ digestion is more complicated than that. Which is why maxxiscoot contains additional natural ingredients and vitamins that support the whole digestive systems, as well as the anal glands.

maxxiscoot also contains probiotics but probiotics are beneficial for cats’ anal gland health for several reasons, as they contribute to the overall gut health, which is directly linked to the efficient function of the anal glands.

We use Pediococcus acidilactici probiotics as they are proven to survive the acidic stomach environment in cats. This allows to make it to the GI tracts where they are needed.

How maxxiscoot works

maxxiscoot will firm your cat’s stool, which helps to naturally empty the anal glands. This will stop the cat scooting, as well as the excessive licking and biting underneath his tail and eliminate the unpleasant smell that is associated with anal glands issues in cats.

maxxiscoot also supports your cat’s digestive health, promotes healthy bowel movements, supports the immune system, and can help with seasonal allergies and to reduce inflammation and future blockages.

Healthy anal glands for healthy social life

Cats do sniff each other’s anal glands as part of their social behaviour, although it is less pronounced than in dogs.

So the anal glands play an role in your cats’ social life. Because the scent the anal glands produce contains important information about the cat’s health and social status, like sex and age.

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Stop cat scooting with maxxiscoot

Cats with healthy anal glands do not need to scoot to relief their discomfort. Just “doing their business” will naturally take care of emptying their anal sacs. maxxiscoot is specifically designed to support your cats’ anal glands health so your cat can continue to enjoy meeting other cats.

Helps to naturally empty the anal glands

Stops scooting and excessive licking and biting

Eliminates the need for unpleasant anal gland expression

Because it's all about the ingredients...

What is Psyllium Seed Husk?

Psyllium comes from Plantago psyllium, a shrub like herb. The husk is the outer coating of the psyllium seed.

Psyllium Husk is best known for its potential to relieve constipation, but it can also relieve diarrhoea. While Psyllium Husk is commonly used by humans for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), haemorrhoids and other intestinal problems. It may also help to regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

Benefits for Cats

  • Firmer but softer stool which can help to relieve constipation
  • Can help with diarrhoea
  • Promotes good intestinal health


There are several studies and expert opinions that suggest Psyllium Husk can be beneficial for cats, particularly for managing digestive issues like constipation and diarrhoea.

This study showed that psyllium-enriched diet was well tolerated and significantly improved constipation and faecal consistency in most cats involved in the trials, suggesting its efficacy in managing recurrent feline constipation (ResearchGate)

How it Works

Psyllium Husk passes through the intestines undigested and, in the colon, absorbs water and swells making the stool larger and softer.

Psyllium Husk helps the bowels to retain more water. This helps to form heavier, softer stool that is easier for your cat to pass, which helps to relieve constipation and to empty the anal glands.
Psyllium Husk can also be useful in combating diarrhoea, as it improves stool consistency and can lower defecation frequency.

What is Pumpkin Seed?

Pumpkin as a plant and its seed and oils have been used in traditional medicine to support the digestive and urinary health (hence also one of the key ingredients in our maxxiUtract urinary and bladder support for pets).

Benefits for Cats

  • High fibre content helps to improve and regulate digestion which helps to prevent constipation and relieve diarrhoea
  • Great source of nutrients and minerals that offers variable health support for cats
  • Powerful antioxidant that supports the immune system
  • May play part in parasite prevention
    Supports the urinary tract health

How it Works

Pumpkin seeds are high in fibre and as we now know, high fibre content helps to improve and regulate digestion which can help to prevent constipation and relieve diarrhoea. They are also powerful antioxidant, but antioxidants protect against free-radical damage and oxidation in the cells.

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent plant protein source. They are also packed with valuable nutrients, like vitamins A, E and C that support the immune system, brain, skin and eye health, and contain minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, and iron that each play important role in cellular functions.

Pumpkin seeds are also high in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. They are believed to support urinary health and are often used for urinary incontinence.

Pumpkin seeds contain a high amount of the amino acid cucurbitacin, a biochemical compound that is thought to have some activity against intestinal parasites. Therefore, they may have a mild protective effect against gastrointestinal parasites, but parasites are one of the most common causes of blocked anal glands in cats.

What is Sweet Potato?

Sweet potato is a starchy, sweet-tasting root vegetable that is rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin C, and several B vitamins. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, and antioxidants.

Benefits for Cats

  • High in fibre which promotes healthy digestion and regular bowel movements
  • Antioxidant properties help to reduce inflammation and support the immune system
  • Provides essential vitamins like A, C, and B6
  • Good energy source, provides complex carbohydrates for sustained energy

How it Works

Sweet potatoes can help reduce cat scooting primarily through their high fibre content. Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can bulk up the stool. This bulkier stool can help express the anal glands naturally as the cat defecates, reducing the need for scooting to relieve discomfort​.

The fibre in sweet potatoes also promotes better overall digestive health, ensuring regular bowel movements. Regular, firm stools are crucial for preventing the build-up of material in the anal glands, which can lead to scooting​.

Besides fibre, sweet potatoes provide essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health, including the health of the digestive system. A well-functioning digestive system can prevent various issues that might cause scooting​.

What is Omega 3?

Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties and as such offers various health benefits for cats. It can help with various skin problems, like dry itchy skin and skin allergies. It can also assist with cat arthritis, autoimmune conditions, cardiac diseases, eye disorders, epilepsy, and other common cat health related issues.

Benefits for Cats

  • Anti-inflammatory and boosts the immune system
  • Offers various health benefits for cats

How it Works

Omega-3 fatty acids can help to reduce cat scooting by addressing underlying causes such as inflammation, digestive health, and skin conditions and boost the immune system:

  • It can help to reduce inflammation around the anal glands and rectal area, which can be a cause of discomfort leading to scooting​
  • Contributes to overall digestive health that can lead to more regular bowel movements and less pressure on the anal glands
  • Can help to reduce itchiness and irritation. Healthy skin around the anal area can prevent irritation that often causes cats to scoot
  • A stronger immune system can help prevent infections and other issues that may cause anal gland problems.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient and powerful antioxidant that supports the immune system, aids in collagen production, and promotes overall tissue health.

Benefits for Cats

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Support collagen production
  • Acts as an antioxidant
  • Promotes wound healing

How it works

Vitamin C can help reduce cat scooting by supporting overall anal gland health and improving skin integrity:

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system. A stronger immune system can help prevent infections in the anal glands, which might cause inflammation and lead to scooting​
  • It plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis, which is vital for maintaining healthy skin. Strong, healthy skin around the anal area can reduce the risk of irritation and inflammation that often leads to scooting​
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and discomfort in the anal glands
  • If scooting is caused by minor injuries or irritations around the anal area, Vitamin C can aid in faster healing due to its role in tissue repair and regeneration

What is Dandelion Root?

Dandelion is a common plant that botanists classify as herbs, but most people see it as weed. They may become pleasantly surprised by the many health potentials this common plant offers but its leaves, stems, flowers, and roots have been used for various medicinal purposes over the years.

Benefits for Cats

  • Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties
  • Great source of nutrients and minerals that offers variable health support for cats
  • Support optimal digestion and waste elimination
  • As diuretic aids urination

How it Works

Dandelions are often called valuable “health tonic for cats”. Because they are great source of vitamins A, B, C, D and K, and important minerals like calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and iron.

Dandelions have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties and as such offers various health benefits and boost the immune system.

Dandelions offer mild liver and digestive stimulant which supports optimal digestion and waste elimination. They also act as a diuretic (promote passing of urine).

What is Bromelain?

Bromelain is a group of enzymes found in the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant. It is a proteolytic enzyme (proteases) which means it breaks down protein in the body.

Benefits for Cats

  • Breaks down protein in the body
  • Improves absorption of nutrients and can help regulate the digestion
  • Can help ease pain and swelling
  • Supports the immune system
  • May provide allergy relief

How it Works

Enzymes like Bromelain can help to regulate the digestion and reduce the amount of stomach problems. As well as promoting healthy, regular digestion, Bromelain also improves the absorption of nutrients, leading to overall better health.

Bromelain is also an effective natural pain reliever. It disintegrates fibrin and kinins (significant causes of inflammation in the body), which reduces swelling and eases pain related to inflammation and other illnesses / injuries.

Natural enzymes like Bromelain support the immune system by increasing the level of zinc in the body but zinc is vital for strong immune responses. Bromelain can also work as allergy relief agent (antihistamine) and help to reduce symptoms of both chronic and acute allergies.


There are available animal studies that have concluded that bromelain can help to reduce diarrhoea, as well as the amount of E.coli bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Another study found bromelain to be helpful in treating Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) as it seemed to help reduce intestinal inflammation.

What is Fructooligosaccharides?

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are prebiotic fibre. They occur naturally in many plants and are known for their ability to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, by serving as a food source for probiotics (like Pediococcus acidilactici).

Benefits for Cats

  • Improve digestive health by acting as prebiotics
  • Enhance the immune function by supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria
  • Supports nutrient absorption
  • Reduces faecal odour
  • Promotes regular bowel movements as source of dietary fibre

How it Works

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) work for cats primarily by acting as prebiotics, which support the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

FOS are not digestible by the cat’s digestive enzymes and therefore reach the colon intact where they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and enhance the gut microbiota.

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is an essential vitamin for cats, meaning they must get it from their diet. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it is absorbed along with fats in the diet and are stored in the body’s fatty tissue and the liver.

Vitamin E is found in wide variety of foods, like meat, eggs, fruits, cereals and vegetable oil.

Benefits for Cats

  • Supports fat metabolism
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Required for the proper function of many vital organs and cell function

How it Works

Vitamin E is required for the proper function of many organs in the body, including the eyes, reproduction system and brain.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body against free radicals. It is essential for cell function and fat metabolism which makes it important for good digestive health and waste elimination.


Several studies have demonstrated positive results from using vitamin E in cats. One study showed that vitamin E supplementation (225 mg/kg diet) significantly enhanced immune function in adult cats.

While dog studies like this one concludes vitamin E may help to reduce itching for dogs with atopic dermatitis. And this study concludes it may contribute to a decrease in inflammation after osteoarthritis surgery.

What is Pediococcus acidilactici?

Pediococcus acidilactici is a species of lactic acid bacteria commonly used as a probiotic to improve gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and enhancing the immune system.

Benefits for Cats

  • Promotes gut health by helping to maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria
  • Enhances the immune system by supporting a healthy gut microbiome
  • Can help reduce gastrointestinal issues (that can cause strain on the anal glands)
  • Improves nutrient absorption

How it Works

Pediococcus acidilactici is a robust probiotic that can survive the acidic environment of a cat’s stomach, ensuring it reaches the intestines where it can be most effective.

Once in the intestines, Pediococcus acidilactici colonizes the gut, competing with pathogenic bacteria for nutrients and adhesion sites. This helps to reduce the population of harmful bacteria, promoting a healthier gut microbiome.

The bacterium produces lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the gut environment. A more acidic gut environment inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and supports the growth of beneficial bacteria, contributing to better overall gut health in cats.

How to use maxxiscoot

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Frequently Asked Questions

The carefully chosen ingredients in maxxiscoot support and help maintain good anal gland health. The various natural fibres help to bulk and firm the stools, which helps the cat to empty the anal glands. While the other ingredients promote good digestive health, promote healthy bowel movements, and support the immune system

All cats can benefit from anal gland support. Some breeds may though be more predisposed to these problems due to their physical characteristics, grooming habits, and genetic factors, like Manx, Ragdolls, Persians and Exotic Shorthairs.

Finally, older cats are more likely to have anal gland issues than younger cats. This is unrelated to their breed.

The recommended maintenance dosage is shown on the back of the label.

We always recommend starting slowly with any new supplement and gradually increasing the amount given. This allows your cat to get used to the new ingredients, both the taste and texture, and helps to minimise the risk of any potential stomach upset. 

Yes, scoop is included. If you cannot locate it immediately, please shake the bottle to see if it is buried in the powder. However, in the unlikely event that you cannot locate the scoop, please contact us directly and we will send you a new scoop.
If possible then it is recommended to divide the daily dosage between two servings as this maximises the absorption of all the ingredients.
Yes, you can give maxxiscoot anal gland supplement with food. maxxiscoot is a powder which can easily be mixed with any type of food.

maxxiscoot is a fully natural supplement and does not contain any artificial flavours, colours, preservatives, or binders. Therefore, it has a natural flavour and the vast majority of cats happily eat their food when maxxiscoot has been added to it.

However, there are always exceptions. If your cat is not accepting maxxiscoot for some reason, please contact us directly and we will offer you some additional tips and support. If we cannot together get your cat to happily accept his new supplement, we will fully refund you in line with our Happiness Guarantee.

Because no matter how effective maxxiscoot is, it will not work if your cat is not taking it. Fortunately, when we have had the opportunity to work with the owners, we have in most cases been successful in getting the cats to accept their supplements. Which is exactly what we both want. For your cat to feel better with the help of our product.

maxxiscoot should be stored in a cool and dry place. We recommend refrigerating it after opening. This is strictly not necessary, but it helps to keep the ingredients fresh and ensure these conditions are met.  Please shake well before each use and make sure the lid is tightly closed after use.
The best by date is printed on the outside of the container (usually bottom).
Yes, and not only that. maxxiscoot contains only NON-GMO pharmaceutical human grade ingredients tested for potency and purity. maxxiscoot also does NOT contain any artificial flavours, colours, synthetic preservatives, or binders. There are also no eggs, gluten, or shellfish in maxxiscoot.
Yes, maxxiscoot anal gland support for cats is safe for long-term use. We though always recommend discussing the use of any supplement with your Vet.